Gran Logia Soberana del Archipielago Filipino, R∴E∴A∴yA∴ (Legitimate successor to the Grande Oriente Español in the Philippines)
Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Recognition
As we continuously uphold the values of Freemasonry to solidify and strengthen fraternal bond.

126th Philippine Independence Day
Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal
Experience the profound symbolism and timeless tradition of Freemasonry through the Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal and the Feast of the Paschal Lamb.
In the Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal, members of the Craft come together to reflect on the eternal truths of existence. Through symbolic rituals and contemplative practices, we honor the wisdom of the past, acknowledge the inevitability of change, and renew our commitment to personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Following this sacred ceremony, we gather for the Feast of the Paschal Lamb, a symbolic banquet steeped in Masonic tradition. As we share in the breaking of bread, we celebrate the renewal of spirit and the enduring bonds of brotherhood that unite us.
These rituals embody the core principles of Freemasonry—truth, virtue, and fellowship—and serve as a reminder of our collective journey towards enlightenment and universal brotherhood.
Soberana Current Events
Gran Logia Soberana del Archipielago Filipino
formerly known as Regional Grand Lodge to the Grande Oriente Español in the Philippines led by
Muy Respetable Gran Maestre Felipe L. Navarro, Jr.

Gran Maestre
MVH Felipe L. Navarro Jr.
In May 13, 1950, a manifesto was sent by the Supremo Consejo del Grado 33° para España y sus Dependencia to the Supremo Consejo del Grado 33° del Gran Oriente de Filipinas and Gran Logia Soberana del Archipielago Filipino.
Lista de Pasado Grande Maestres 1924 hasta el presente
List of Grandmasters from 1924 to present
IPH Patricio Mariano Cruz, 33°
IPH Francisco Geronimo, 33°
(1925-1931, 1934-1936)
IPH Pedro N. Mojica, 33°
(1931-1934, 1936-1938, 1945-1947)
IPH Domingo Manipis, 33°
IPH Gervacio Velada Cruz, 33°
IPH Alejandro Rivera, 33°
IPH Maximo Mendoza, 33°
IPH Bernardo S. Rafael, 33°
IPH Maximo De Guzman, 33°
IPH Emigdio C. Reyes, 33°
(1963-1964, 1964-1965, 1965-1966, 1970-1971, 1973-1977)
IPH Federico T. Tabasa, 33°
(1966-1970, 1971-1973)
IPH Alberto C. Gonzales, 33°
(1977-1981, 1983-1987)
IPH Mapalad P. Santera, 33°
IPH Pedro M. Canlas, 33°
IPH Cirilo C. Santos, 33°
(1987-1988, 1988-1989)
IPH Alfredo U. Malabaguio, 33°
(1989-1992, 2000-2003)
IPH Victor M. Raquipiso, 33°
(1994-1998, 2003-2006)
IPH Mabini L. Fajardo, 33°
(1992-1994, 1998-2000, 2006-2021)
IPH Felipe L. Navarro, Jr., 33°
(2021-2022, 2022-present)
2025 Submission and Communication
Email the Most Worshipful Grand Master
Send Email to a Grand Lodge Officer
Reportorial, Membership, General Communication and Inquiries
Financial Report, Document, Inquiry
Charity and Help